Finding Your Personal Style

Finding personal style can be difficult and to be honest mine has changed a lot over the years as i'm sure yours has too! Over the years, I've channelled my inner tom boy, biker chic, preppy girl and boho babe to name a few! But I now feel like that I have a personal style that is me and very personal to me. I know that what I wear not everyone will like or think is stylish but I what I know suits me, my shape and style.
Honestly, I could wear a crop top, baggy jeans and an oversized cardigan everyday, its my go to and suits me! Once I learnt this and stuck to it, its made me shop and dress in a completely different way. Ive learnt over the years that just because it suits someone else or looks good on them, does not mean it will look good on me. I for one DO NOT suit midi skirts, shorts or blazers. I have a small waist and upper body but am bigger on my thighs, bum and calfs so wearing these items can make me look out of proportion. It doesn't stop me wearing them in summer, I just don't wear them often and don't include them in my signature style.
I've really taken to fashion and sharing my outfits on instagram over the past few years because its something I feel has helped our business identity. I can remember knitting a strappy vest 5 years ago and sharing it and getting such a positive response to it, that it gave me a buzz, I wanted to share more. I would share ways to wear our chunky cardigans in all the different colors and this generated such a new customer base for us, I knew that my style was a part of that. I mostly consider my personals style to be elevated casual, street style. Dressing up/down and keeping it cool works for me and incorporates a lot of my personality I think too. I worked for a long time identifying my style and have listed a few tips that could help you to find yours.
1. Know your shape and what style silhouettes suit you. This one I found the most important as its the most personal. We are made up of all different sizes and body shapes and embracing yours is so important. My best friend is 6ft tall and can basically wear anything!! She has the longest legs ever and really suits shorts and mini skirts. I am forever jealous of her for this because im 5'2 with short legs lol but im fully aware that because of our different shapes, what looks good on her may not look good on me. I tend to stick with jeans and trousers that are height waisted to make my legs look longer or baggy jeans that don't emphasise the thickness of my legs.

2. This next tip is one that took me a while to figure out and one that hard to resist, Don't follow trends! I'll admit I used to be a victim of this on a regular basis.....following trends and buying items that just didn't suit me simply because they were everywhere in the shops. For me at the moment, the one item im resisting is the Adidas sambas....they just don't suit me, I love a chunky heel because i'm small so height is a must for me. But i've seen them ALLLL over instagram on every influencer but have resisted as they just aren't my style.

Image from Adidas
3. Create a mood board!!! This one is my favourite and if you follow me on Pinterest, you'll know i'm very enthusiastic on this app. I love that I can type in outfit Inspo for anything and i'll get hundreds of pictures of outfits that I can stick to my fashion mood board. Its where I get most of my inspiration for outfits and the cover pic for this blog was inspired by a photo I saw of Kim K wearing sweatpants and heals (sock boots are my current obsession).
Image from Splash News
Thats all for this week, I hope you've enjoyed these tips!! Id love to know what you think your personal style is or if there's anyone that you love to follow on Instagram because of their style let me may just be the topic of my next blog 😉
DM me on Instagram and let me know!
If you've made it this far......thank u! Much love from, The Fashionable Knitter 💞 ps....always believe in u 💫